Allen County
Council on Aging
Allen County Council on Agin, Inc., is a non-profit corporation established in 1976 to provide services to residents age 60 and older living in Allen County. Since each person’s situation is unique, a variety of services are available. During 2021, 1,908 unduplicated clients received direct service. In addition to the direct services provided, 1,803 information & referral calls from the community were answered.
Adult Day Care
The Elderly Day Care Center provides a safe, caring, home-like atmosphere for our participants. The Center focuses on the strengths, abilities, and interests of each client.
We provide care for participants who have received medical diagnoses confirmed by physicians’ orders. Their care plan is individualized with input from staff, case workers, caregivers, medical professionals, participant, and family. With well-planned service delivery, we help improve participants’ quality of life.
A day of programs and activities provided in a protective setting by trained staff for adults who do not require 24-hour institutional care but enjoy and benefit from social interaction, nutritional meals and caregivers’ respite time.
The Center...
Encourages interest in self and community;
Offers break-time (respite) for the family caring for the elderly person;
Trained, qualified staff encourage social interaction, emotional and physical;
Well-being and assist with physical rehabilitation;
Serves as an important part of long-term care
The Center Provides a...
Place to make new friends and have others with whom to talk;
Nutritious meal and two light snacks;
Registered nurse to monitor health and administer medication;
Pleasant, safe and comfortable environment; and a
Resting area
Activies Include:
Current Event Discussion
Cards & Games
Low-impact Exercise
Health & Nutrition Education
Educational Programs
Music Appreciation
Field Trips
Baking & Cooking
Service Projects
Leisure Time Activities
A Variety of Video Presentations
We help transport persons to and from needed community resources, which without such service, would jeopardize their health, well-being, independence, or ability to remain in their own home. In 2021, 70,268 miles were driven. 456 unduplicated clients were provided transportation to medical appointments, senior luncheon cafes, Elderly Day Care Center, grocery shopping, banking, prescription pickup, etc.
Examples of Transportation Provided:
Medical Appointments, including: Doctor, Dentist, Chiropractor, Eye Doctor, Testing / Therapy, Dialysis
Elderly Day Care
Congregate Meal Sites-Senior Luncheon Cafes
Optical, Hearing and Prosthetic Centers
Grocery Shopping
Prescription Pickup
Social Security / Human Services
Bill Pay
We are happy to consider other requests!
Thank you for observing the following guidelines:
Please be ready for pick-up 45 minutes before your appointment time
Thank you for wearing your seatbelt
Drivers help clients on and off the vans
Thank you for changing seats when asked to accommodate others
Thank you for not smoking in the vans
Thank you for your courtesy toward others
To schedule an appointment, call the Council on Aging at 419-228-5135.
When you call in to request transportation, it may be necessary for you to leave a message on the Transportation Department's Voice Mail. Please leave the following information:
Your Name, Address, Phone Number
When and where you need to go
If you are using a cane, walker or wheelchair
Regarding non-routine transports, we will phone the day before your appointment to confirm with you.
To better serve you we appreciate as much advance notice as possible. To be most organized, we schedule appointments months in advance. If you know the day and time of your next appointment, please call so we may add it to our calendar.
If you need to cancel a scheduled appointment, please call us at 419-228-5135. If we need to postpone trips due to unsafe driving conditions or unforeseen circumstances, we will work with you to reschedule your appointment. If our agency closes due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances, the announcement will be broadcast on local TV and radio.
**All Council on Aging vans are equipped with wheelchair lifts. Clients may use their own wheelchair or request the use of an agency wheelchair for their appointment.**
You may have a family member or friend (age 18 years or older) accompany you to your appointments. When scheduling your transportation, please let us know if someone will be with you.
Please Note: In an effort to meet the requests of seniors in under-served areas, the Council on Aging is unable to provide services to residents of assisted living facilities and nursing homes. We are delighted to know those residents have the facilities' services available to them.
Our fleet of transportation vans consists of 13 vehicles.
Transportation hours are 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Chore Program
Chore is the performance of household tasks, simple household repairs and other light work necessary to enable an individual to remain in their own home when they are unable to perform such tasks for themselves.
Some examples of what we do are painting, picking up prescriptions, window washing, grocery shopping, lawn mowing, changing light bulbs, cleaning behind furniture, minor home maintenance, and cleaning gutters.
Please note: Requests for annual projects, such as mowing, must be made each year. The list is made up of a manageable number. Assessments are completed each year.
The activities listed are to serve as a guideline. Although there are some services we do not provide directly, we are often able to make referrals to other providers.
Caregivers' Program
Services include a Caregivers’ Resource Library, Educational and Informational programs and “Conversing with Caregivers” (support group meetings).
The Caregiver's Resource Library at 700 N. Main Street, Lima, is available to help you in your challenging and rewarding role as a caregiver. You may view videos and read other caregiver materials in our quiet, relaxing library area. For your convenience, you may also check out materials to be used at home. For more details, call Judy Jacomet at 419-228-5135.
“Conversing with Caregivers” groups are scheduled to meet regularly. These meetings offer support and encouragement from others in similar situations. Short educational topics may be provided followed by a discussion time. Come join us for refreshments and conversation. For scheduled times and locations, call Gerry Burton at 419-228-5135.
Educational and Informational programs are part of our “Conversing with Caregivers” series. We have hosted approximately 30 meetings each year. Area specialists including doctors, therapists, counselors, facility administrators and agency staff present valuable information.
Individual Outreach
We provide one-on-one contact and assistance with older persons to encourage or enable the use of available health and social services and public benefits.
An initial home or office visit is made by a Senior Services Resource Specialist to those interested in finding out more about Council on Aging services. This visit is called an assessment. The assessment involves discussion about services or programs that may benefit you. A registration for Council on Aging services will be completed at that time. The Senior Services Resource Specialist helps complete application forms and related paperwork to apply for other services and benefits. Referrals for services not provided by our agency can be made with your permission. The Senior Services Resource Specialist may contact you from time to time to update client information.
The Information and Referral Specialist maintains a library which includes pamphlets and booklets on a wide variety of topics. Information can be obtained by contacting our office (419-228-5135). We are happy to make a home visit if you prefer. If the information is not readily available, an effort will be made to find the resources to meet your needs.
The Information and Referral Specialist can also help complete application forms and related paperwork to apply for other services and benefits.
We have information on many other topics including:
Adult Emergency Assistance
Adult Protective Services
Alzheimer's Programs
"Benefits Checkup"
Care Coordination Program
Care Giving
Community Agencies
Counseling Services
Elderly Legal Services
Emergency Response Systems
Equipment for Persons with Disability
Experience Works
Food Stamps
Golden Buckeye Cards
Health Clinics and Services
Home Repair Programs
Homemaker Service
Homestead Property Tax Exemption
Independent Living Program
Local Assisting Programs
Meal Programs
Medicare Programs (QMB, SLMB)
Obtaining Parking Card for the Disabled
Prescription Drug Assistance
Senior Housing
Social Security
Summer Cooling Program
Supplemental Security Income
Support Groups
Tax Aide
Telephone Service Assistance
Utility Assistance
Voter Registration
Information & Referral
We give individual assistance in locating previously unidentified and appropriate community resources that will alleviate and inquirer’s unmet needs.
In addition to our established services of adult day care, caregivers’ program, chore, individual and group outreach, information and referral, and transportation, we donate space, schedule appointments, and/or assist seniors with the following services:
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America - Memory Screening
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage
Golden Buckeye Card
Home Energy Assistance Program
Legal Aid of Western Ohio
Matter of Balance Training
Northwest Ohio Chapter - Walk to End Alzheimer’s
Nutrition Services - Transportation to Senior Dining Locations
Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program
Senior Dining Program Applications
Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program Applications
Sweaters for Seniors
Group Outreach
Our Group Outreach includes an agency newsletter noting events and services for older persons and presentations to community groups and organizations. Our newsletters keep you up to date on special events and happenings with the Allen County Council on Aging.